Protect your cash, coins and cards against unauthorized transactions when on-the-go. With plenty of room for 6+ cards and a zip-secured cash sleeve, this tri-fold wallet is made from material that blocks RFID signals to prevent skimming theft. Feel peace of mind when out and about, enjoying your everyday transactions.
- RFIDsafe™ blocking material protects your passports and credit cards against unwanted scans
- Cut-resistant security strap
- Detachable strap you can remove when not in use
- 6 card slots
Warranty: 5 Year Warranty
Weight: 0.19 lb
Brand: Pacsafe
Line: RFIDsafe
Model: 10558
Luggage Size: Handbags & Wallets
Wheels: Non-wheeled
Material: Nylon
Dimensions: 5.1 x 3.9 x 0.8 in